
Emily Baker is the creator and founder of EBdesigns. She is a wife and mother of four who loves to create beauty from the simple things in life. Her motto is “constraints breed creativity.” When she hasn’t been able to afford fashionable clothing, home decor, gift giving or accessories - she has often hand made something. This is how EBdesigns was born. The love of her life, high school sweetheart and now husband of 20+ years, is the pastor of a Presbyterian (PCA) church. She believes strongly in putting family and ministry first, but has found that EBdesigns continues to flourish as her creative outlet and secondary source of income for her family. She is thankful for the opportunities it has given her to connect with old friends, make new ones, employ great people, provide affordable fashion statements and to be more generous with those around her. Thank you for being a customer of EBdesigns. Emily’s hope is that when you wear her hand made accessories, you will feel her personal touch and be blessed.

(Thank you to my friend Shari Hatfield, photographer and Balanced Coffee, cool place to sit!)